An Introduction To ASP NET Razor Pages

In this video, we’ll create a complete request/response experience using a single Razor Pages endpoint. We can start with the ASP.NET Razor Pages template installed with .NET. Razor Pages is the default for building server-side web applications in ASP.NET Core. Components within the underlying MVC framework still have their uses such as using controllers for building RESTful APIs. If you want a dynamic web site, that is one where the content is regularly being added to, you have a number of options available to you.

  • In Razor Pages, you can reduce code duplication by sharing layouts between view pages.
  • Next, enter the name of the Web Application you want to create, i.e.
  • He is also highly engaged in DevOps and Cloud technologies to improve development workflows and infrastructure.
  • If you are a seasoned developer, the Razor Pages framework is likely to add to your skillset with the minimum amount of effort.
  • Each individual test condition has a case
    value that ends with a colon, and any number of code lines ending with a break

When the server reads the page, it runs the Razor code first, before it sends
the HTML page to the browser. The code that is executed on the server can
perform tasks that cannot be done in the browser, for example accessing a server
database. Server code can create dynamic HTML content on the fly, before it is
sent to the browser. Seen from the browser, the HTML generated by server code is
no different than static HTML content.

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The elements they target are based on the element name, the attribute name, or the parent tag. The Razor syntax gives you all the power of ASP.NET, but is using a simplified
syntax that’s easier to learn if you’re a beginner, and makes you more
productive if you’re an expert. Get this
course plus top-rated picks in tech skills and other popular topics.

  • Razor Pages is a server-side, page-focused framework that allows for the creation of dynamic, data-driven web pages with a clear separation of concerns in ASP.NET Core.
  • Next, inside the @ block, we have C# code that executes without writing any HTML to the response.
  • Just like the _ViewStart.cshtml file, _ViewImports.cshtml is invoked for all your view pages before they are rendered.
  • The SDK includes the runtime and command line tools for creating .NET Core applications.
  • Once the router has selected the Razor Page, the framework executes that Razor Page to generate the final HTML response.

In this model, we want to create a list of students of a given school, so we add RegNo, Name, Email, Department, and Degree in the public class to come up with the following sample code. In the index.cshtml code, we remove the welcome message and add @Model.Message property to access the message in the index.cshtml.cs file. The important thing that Razor Pages accomplish is that they separate the view generation logic from the actual data computation or business logic. This follows the separation-of-concerns principle and keeps the application maintainable. If you need to change the UI, you can do that without modifying the business logic and vice versa.

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They exclude namespaces, as those may differ depending on the project name. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. If you have been looking for a better and simpler way to create a razor pages web app, using ASP.NET Core would be the best for you. This focuses on how one could come up with a working razor page web app.

asp net razor tutorial

When a web page is called, the server executes the
server-based code inside the page before it returns the page to the browser. By
running on the server, the code can perform complex tasks, like accessing
databases. When @ symbol is used with razor syntax, it transits into Razor specific markup, otherwise it transitions into plain C#. We used it, to start single line expression, single statement block or multi-statement block. They also provide one or more page handers, which are simply methods that define how to handle requests to the Razor Page. In Razor Pages, you can reduce code duplication by sharing layouts between view pages.

Build Web Apps with ASP.NET

Partial views are an effective way of breaking up large views into smaller components and reduce complexity. A partial consists of fragments of HTML and server-side code to be included in any number of pages or layouts. A while loop repeats the execution of a sequence of statements asp net razor tutorial as long as a set of conditions is true, once the condition becomes false we break out of the loop. In order for the page to be treated as a Razor Page, and have ASP.NET parse the view syntax with the Razor engine, the directive @page should be added at the top of the file.

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