How To Become An Enrolled Agent EA Exam Guide 2023

ea exam pass rate

Instead, check out what’s tested on each part of the EA exam to get the best idea of which exam part will be the most challenging for you. You can also use our free Enrolled Agent exam questions to get an idea of what the real exam questions will be like. Your familiarity with the topics and your current knowledge ultimately determine how much material you still need to master. Gleim EA Review is the most popular EA review course on the market, and, in my opinion, it is also one of the best courses.

ea exam pass rate

But you’ll also want to review the laws themselves, as you don’t know exactly which questions will be asked. Also, the EA exam pass rates are a bit higher than the CPA Exam pass rates, the CMA exam pass rates, and the CIA exam pass rates. In fact, the average EA exam pass rate is a full 20% higher than that of the CPA Exam. The IRS Enrolled Agent Special Enrollment Examination Bulletin breaks each topic list down further into a host of topics.

Experience the Surgent difference

Persons not scheduled to take a test are not permitted to wait in the test center. A complete list of test center rules can be found in the Candidate Information Bulletin at Prometric. Over 300 colleges and universities partner with us to integrate exam preparation coursework into their accounting and business programs. We provide students with unique prep courses for all major accounting credentialing exams, including the EA Exam.

So, to give yourself every opportunity to pick the best possible answer, which is what the exam wants, you must read every option presented. Secondly, you should anticipate the answer before you read the answer choices. You’ve spent weeks and months preparing, so you should have a good idea of what the answer will be as soon as you finish reading the question. If you think of an answer before you see the answer choices, you can use the answer choices to confirm or deny that you’ve gone in the right direction with your answer.


If the EA exam pass rates look high to you, that’s because they are. For instance, take a look at how the EA exam pass rates compare to the pass rates of the CPA, CMA, and CIA exams. To give yourself the best shot at passing the Enrolled Agent Exam Part 1 on the first try, you should prepare with an enrolled agent review course.

For example, Gleim EA Review costs $500-$600,+ depending on the course package. However, you’ll only pay this much if you purchase all 3 parts simultaneously. And while such a purchase involves making a bigger initial investment, it also gives you the best value. And you can further reduce the cost of your exam prep when you use my enrolled agent course discounts.

The smartest way to pass the EA Exam

Therefore, in this analysis, I will mainly compare the EA exam to the U.S. The IRS EA exam is a comprehensive three-part test that tax preparers must pass in order to become an IRS Enrolled Agent. After tax preparers pass all three Enrolled Agent exams and complete the other requirements (there aren’t many!), the IRS distinguishes them with the EA designation. It signals a high level of expertise and allows them to practice before the IRS. No matter what the Enrolled Agent exam pass rates are, you must do your best and take certain steps in order to pass. For example, the total number of test-takers for Part 1 is nearly double the number of candidates taking either Part 2 or Part 3.

For just as long, the Part 3 pass rates have been the highest, and the Part 1 pass rates the most varied. What’s more, the nature of the major professional accounting certification exams is quite different. If you average together all three parts of the exam, then the EA pass rate last year was 74.33%. In contrast, the average pass rate for the EA exam from 2015 to 2020 was between 69% and 72%. Part 3 is reputed to be the “easy” part, but it’s still important to study. One of the only things that feels worse than failing a difficult exam part that you really studied for by a few points is failing an easy exam part by a few points because you didn’t.

The IRS has a list of approved CE Providers, some of whom provide SEE test preparation courses. The IRS does not make recommendations as to any specific provider. Surgent EA Review is the only truly adaptive Enrolled ea exam pass rate Agent exam prep course on the market. Our award-winning software creates a fully customized study plan for each candidate, addressing weaker comprehension areas and ultimately reducing study time by 40%.

  • If you notice any issues, reach out to Prometric as soon as possible to correct your appointment information.
  • So, use this information as even more motivation to develop and follow a time management system for EA Exam success.
  • The EA also greatly expands the number of services a tax preparer can offer to potential clients.
  • It signals a high level of expertise and allows them to practice before the IRS.
  • Fast Forward Academy used to be the only enrolled agent review provider to offer video lectures.
  • For example, managing your time on the EA exam is easier because it limits itself to MCQs and doesn’t also contain case studies or essays.
  • If you wish to practice taxation, there is no difference to the IRS between a CPA and an EA.

Food or beverages, other than water, may not be brought into the testing room. Candidates may take breaks to access food and beverages stored in their locker. In general, any overdue tax return that has not been filed or any unpaid taxes unless acceptable payment arrangements have been established. There is a $206 fee per part paid at the time of appointment scheduling.

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